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On perfectionism

Some claims that perfectionism is something that we should let go of. I will say yes to that, but also no. I believe we cannot do everything perfect so to get something done during the day; we need to choose what we are going to spend our time to make perfect.

We can, of course, also ask, what is perfect? I believe that some people are born to be perfectionists. Maybe it is their way of thinking. They might see a picture in their head of the project they are going to execute and they want to make an exact copy of that.

Whit that said, we can say that what they see as perfect might not be perfect for anybody else. Or it might be. Think of all the musicians that make all this beautifully made songs, if they would be happy with a little half-assed piece.

Maybe we can sort perfectionism under the thinking styles, auditory-verbal for sound and spatial-visual for form and pictures. Those people with a very clear picture or sound that see many details also need more time for the copy.

Are we all perfectionists? If some people do not see as many details in their imagination, they will make the copy more half-assed, at least for the people that imagine more details.

We can end with saying, you might choose when to be a perfectionist or not. Do it when it is important for you. And make it half-assed when it is not important.

Published inThoughts